GracePointe Baptist Church  
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Contact Info:
GracePointe Baptist Church
568 Winesap Road
PO Box 288
Madison Heights, VA  25472
Phone: (434) 439-0476
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How to Lead Someone to Christ
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Pastor Greg's Soulwinning Book
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From Founder and Pastor, Dr. Greg Tyree 

Welcome to our GracePointe Baptist Church website. We utilize our Facebook Group (for members and regular attendees) and our Facebook Public Page (for non attendees) more than this site, so  feel free to check us out on Facebook. Click the "Facebook" tab (to the left) or search "GracePointe Baptist Church AC." Please take some time to look around, and get to know our GracePointe family. As you can see, though we are a small church, God is really blessing us with great people, wonderful events, and exciting happenings! Click the "GracePointe History" tab to the left to learn more about our beginnings. I wrote a book about our first decade, which you can learn more about by clicking on the link to the left. 

Worship is the most vital activity in which we can participate, and we are seeing a renewal in the spiritual life of GracePointe. Our strongest area of growth is of families with small children, so our nursery and Kids Church programs are thriving.

GracePointe embraces an acrostic to represent our values: G.R.A.C.E., which stands for "GROWING in Christ, RELATING to believers, ADORING God, CARING for others, and EVANGELIZING the lost." See the tab at the top fo the page, "Purpose and Passion."

If you desire to be a part of something, real, authentic, uncomplicated, and impactful, please consider joining us here at GracePointe. Be sure to look at the other sections of this site for youth updates, Bible studies, fellowship opportunities, and worship times. Keep in mind that the most timely information is more likely to be on our Facebook pages. 

Please count yourself as our special guest and come visit us soon. We would count it a joy to worship with and serve you. Cruise the site or drop in sometime and see the difference in GracePointe! Thanks, 
Pastor Greg

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